Monday, 9 May 2005

\trefik jem\ I

If you live in Jakarta, you know very well what I mean.

Two months ago..lasts for about 2 years maybe..every Monday morning we had a traffic jam in Jakarta's roads and streets. You can go very early, but you will get to the office almost midday.

What is wrong?

From day to day, Jakarta streets is filled by more and more vehicles. Especially motorcycle. Yes, it is true! No doubt the growth of motorcycle population is increasing. many tv quizzes give cars or motorcycles as prizes. Banks give prizes to their 'loyal' customers.

The traffic jam is going crazies in Monday morning, when people go to their offices in the first day of week. But it is interesting to observe that for about one month now, the pattern is changing. The highest morning traffic jam is now almost always happen on Tuesday, not Monday anymore. Seems Jakarta citizens think, 'Hey, this is Moday, most people go to their office early. So I better go later. I'll go early tomorrow.'

Not only one person who thinks like that, but many of them.

The pattern might shift next year, the highest morning traffic would be on Wednesday. Maybe.

Whatever the pattern looks like, Jakarta is not a peaceful place to live.

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