Monday 23 April 2007

Nasib Pekerja Urban

Dan tiba-tiba aku menyadari kalau aku bisa tidur lebih nyenyak di bangku bis daripada di kasur di kamarku.

Wednesday 18 April 2007

Hidden Knowledge

In the weave of webs we daily face, lies buried knowledge. Data mining research was emerged to (hopefully) answer where the knowledge really is, and what knowledge are those.

In the weave of textual documents published daily on the internet, lies buried knowledge. Text Mining (or precisely, Knowledge Discovery in Textual Databases, KDT for short) research was emerged to find effective and efficient ways for locating and grasping those knowledge.

Friday 6 April 2007

» How to destroy a project team in four easy steps | Tech Manager |

» How to destroy a project team in four easy steps | Tech Manager |

Blog di atas berisi 4 tips sederhana untuk memporakporandakan sebuah tim pengembang perangkat lunak. Tapi tips-tips tersebut saya pikir bisa digunakan untuk menghancurkan tim apapun.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Tuesday 3 April 2007

PC World - How Do I Speed XP's Shutdown?

PC World - How Do I Speed XP's Shutdown?

Pernah merasa proses shutdown WindowsXP anda lamban? Beberapa tips dari PCWorld di atas mungkin dapat membantu masalah yang juga sering saya hadapi.