Friday, 14 June 2019

Allah Does Not Burden what His Slaves can not Bear With

Taken from

My husband said something to me today that really got me thinking. Noticing i’ve been down the past few days, he reminded me that everything will be okay. He said that Allah will not burden us beyond what we can bear, and that is something we are constantly told. What he went on to say was if we cannot bear it, then there is something wrong in us. A deficieny of some sort. I’ve never really thought of it like that before. At times you will go through trials that really do seem unbearable, these trials will sometimes put a hold on your life. You get stuck in a rut and it is as though nothing is improving. You feel trapped, and although these tests upon first impact can be a hurdle to get over, it is still very possible. However, when it extends for much longer than what is bearable, when it begins to impact your sanity, you start to wonder if this test is here to build you up or to completely tear you down. 
What he said to me really changed my perspective. I am able to make even the smallest of things unbearable, if i refuse to move on, if i refuse to adapt and shape my life around it, or if i refuse to face the obstacles that come with this hardship. What could easily come and go if i could come to terms with it, could also remain with me and eat up at me for the longest time if i refuse to challenge it, or to challenge myself. What he said made me realize that because i was not willing to accept certain changes in my life, i was stalling and in turn experiencing this relentless torture. 
I don’t know if this will help anyone, but if you’re experiencing something similar, something that just won’t leave you.. maybe reflect on yourself and how you’re handling the situation. It could be that the door for relief was wide open for you all along, but you haven’t bothered to take the steps that will lead you out of this mess, whether it is out of fear, anxiety, a lack of motivation, ect. Life is a series of hurdles and events that we must either cross or adapt to, otherwise we will never grow, our struggles will never leave us and everything will only continue to pile up. Our time and what is written for us will not stop for the sake of our comfort. You just have to catch up with yourself.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Mensyukuri Negative Spiral

Dalam hidup ini pilihannya hanya ada dua pilihan besar. Bersyukur atau Kufur. Termasuk ke dalam pilihan Kufur adalah ketika kita merasa menyesali berlebihan terhadap apa yang kita alami. Ketika setiap pagi kita dikasih kesempatan sama Allah bisa bangun pagi, kita merasa perjalanan sehari itu terasa teramat berat, dan hampir putus asa. Takut menghadapi persoalan yang akan dijalani sepanjang hari yang baru.

Yakinkan diri kalo apa yang sekarang kita berada, sesungguhnya adalah posisi terbaik yang Allah berikan buat kita.

Inget kan gimana riwayat nabi Yusuf? Kalo mau menyesali perjalanan hidup beliau, tentu kita akan bertanya kenapa kok masa kecil beliau mengalami kondisi yang nggak menyenangkan. Dibuang dari rumah, diculik, dijadikan budak.

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Become People of 'Alhumdullilah' | Nouman Ali Khan | illustrated

Thanks, and Praise, Both of them are included in Alhamdulillah

Watch the video for more details.

Thursday, 31 January 2019

Maha Sayang-Nya Allah, Allah Maha Penyayang

Alhamdulillah. Allah masih kasih umur. In sya Allah untuk merampungkan urusan yang belum selesai. Semampunya dijalani, mohon ampun sama Allah kalo akhirnya nggak bisa terselesaikan semua. Akhirnya mau nggak mau mengakui kalo kapasitas diri emang terbatas. Mau bagaimana pun akhirnya nggak bisa sombong. Harus ngaku, rela atau nggak rela, bahwa Allah itu Maha Suci, Maha Sempurna, Maha Berkuasa, Maha Hidup dan Maha Menghidupkan. Kita hanya manusia biasa, nggak ada apa-apanya, kalo Allah nggak kasih kesempatan hidup. Bisa bangun pagi hari ini karena Allah masih kasih kesempatan. Bisa melakukan aktifitas sepanjang hari ini, karena Allah kasih ijin.

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Selamat Tahun Baru, Selamat Hari Baru

Pagi ini sesungguhnya tidak ada sesuatu yang berbeda daripada pagi-pagi hari yang telah kita lewati. Kebanyakan orang menjadikannya beda, semata-mata karena sistem penomoran hari. Angka tanggal berganti, angka bulan berganti, sekaligus angka tahun juga berganti. Sekedar penomoran sederhana. Tidak akan ada bedanya seandainya sistem kalender yang digunakan menggunakan nomor urut 1 hingga 365. Atau hingga 366 jika tahun Kabisat. Tidak ada definisi bulan. Hanya ada definisi nomor hari dan angka tahun. Akan menjadi istimewa ketika nomor hari 365 berganti jadi 1. Dan itu akan menjadi perayaan besar di mana-mana.