Saturday, 24 February 2007

Label Kategori Blogspot

Sekarang, blogspot dot com versi Beta udah support label. Jadi kayak di multiply dot com deh..

Wednesday, 7 February 2007

for how long..

..time flies?

this post should be titled: "What you have been missed".'s not true. It should be: "What I've been missed"

Ok, let's go through the list.

  1. Ramadhan
  2. Idul Fitri
  3. Gathering with Old pals and gals
  4. New Year
  5. Moslem's Pilgrimage Season to Mecca
  6. Idul Adha
  7. Hijri New Year
  8. Final examination (maksudnya sih musim Ujyan Akhir Semester pren)
  9. The Flood Season (maksudnya musim Ujan..)
  10. Supersemar (will it be missed too?)