Saturday 22 December 2007

i hate indon

Regarding the cultural dispute between Indonesia and Malaysia recently, one day I received a message on my friendster's inbox, like this one:

Original message from Virginia:
Original message from Mario:

Tolong Flag website ini, website yang berisi blog dari Malaysia yg jelek-jelekin bangsa indonesia. Semakin banyak yg Flag, semakin cepet websitena di tutup. Tolong forward ke temen2 bangsa Indonesia yang lainnya yah??? Makasih. (Flag terletak di atas disebelah Search Blog) mari kita hancurkan bersama2 Blog ini!!!

Honestly, as an Indonesian, I feel distracted with what Malaysians do. Especially when I read the contents of that blog. So, I fulfill the request to flag the blog, and more, I forward the message to other Indonesian I know.

Later I got a reply from one of them,

Jangan, yg ada yg punya blog kesenengan krn yg ngehit blog dia banyak, jgn2 lgs bisa pasang iklan dia :))

Her message is quite make sense. So I decided to dig it in Google as a measure to find out whether that blog is gaining popularity or not. The result Google gave me is somewhat relieves me. The first page Google returned was:

Blogger: Login to read If you are an author of this blog, tell us who you are! Sign in using your Google Account. ... - 5k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

It seems the Flags is working. The blog is closed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kayaknya belum di tutup tuh blog hehehehehe!