Tuesday, 25 December 2007

David Becker

He was never late for squash... class maybe, but never squash.

Dan Brown, "Digital Fortress"

[sman28-92] PENTING : Update Terakhir Reuni 28. MOHON DIBACA !!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ummu Aif
Date: Dec 24, 2007 7:55 PM
Subject: [sman28-92] PENTING : Update Terakhir Reuni 28. MOHON DIBACA !!
To: Milis SMA 28

Dari hasil rapat panitia reuni tgl 22 Des 2008, berikut ini adalah FINALISASI acara REUNI SMAN 28 Angkatan 92 :

1. Waktu Reuni : TETAP
Sabtu, 2 Februari 2008
10.30 - 15.00 WIB

2. Tempat Reuni : BERUBAH
Jl. Ampera Raya 135, Jakarta Selatan
Di antara Pengadilan Negeri Jaksel & Komp. AKRI
Denah & Foto Eksterior / Interior lihat di : http://ph.groups.yahoo.com/group/sman28-92/photos

Fasilitas Bondies :
- Non-smoking Area (Lantai Bawah)
- Smoking Area (Lantai Atas / Mezanin)
- Playground Indoor & Outdoor
- Kapasitas sekitar 200 orang (belum termasuk playground)
- Musholla
- Mini Stage & Grand Piano

3. HTM Reuni : TURUN !!
Menjadi ............. Rp 50.000,- / Orang (Peserta Dewasa)
Ini jumlah standar lho, gak dilarang kalo mau kasih lebih, hehehehe......

4. Konsep Acara : BERUBAH
- Diperbolehkan membawa PASANGAN & ANAK-ANAK
- Tarif HTM hanya mencakup KONSUMSI PESERTA DEWASA
- Bagi yang membawa ANAK, dipersilakan MEMESAN MAKANAN/MINUMAN
sendiri bagi anak masing2 ke pihak Cafe
- ANAK2 akan ditempatkan di PLAYGROUND INDOOR (biar gak kehujanan)
- Panitia akan mengusahakan GRATIS untuk biaya MASUK KE PLAYGROUND dan
ACARA KHUSUS ANAK (min. 30 anak)

5. Berhadiah : DOOR PRIZE
- TV 21"
- Handphone
- DVD Player

6. Pembayaran : PALING LAMBAT 10 JANUARI 2008
Bank BCA KCP Cilandak KKO I
No. Rek. 733 005 1021
A/n Dyah Kusuma Wardhani

Mohon berita ini disebarluaskan ke rekan2 alumni SMAN 28 yang lain, baik yang biasa online ataupun tidak, termasuk yang belum bergabung di milis.

Ditunggu lhoooooo responnya...... Jangan pada kaget kalo udah mulai ditelponin sama panitia, hehehe.....

C u @ our reunion !!


Monday, 24 December 2007

SD Card Flushes Itself

Two days ago was my second experience when SD card inside my Dopod flushes itself. All of my works was gone. Not really gone actually, several of them still can be recovered through chkdsk utility.

Just write it here to take note how long until the 3rd flush happen.

i hate indon: the story continues (and I ask my apology)

Regarding my previous post about Indonesia - Malaysia cultural disputes, I found an alternative view about this issue. Here is an excerpts from his blog:

Tahu ngga kalau yang buat ihateindon itu orang Indonesia sendiri ? « Tempe:

Memang benar akupun merasakan Indonesia sedang ada ketegangang dengan Malesa. memang benar saya dan kawan-kawan di KL menghawatirkan soal RELA. Juga benar bahwa ada pembantu TKI yang disiksa. Taapi … hati-hati Friend … di Indonesia sendiri masih banyak yang ingin memecah dan ingin memicu serta merusak diri sendiri. Hal ini mnurutku hanya karena dia dan kelompoknya sedang “tidak kebagian kursi !

Tolong disebarkan ke kawan-kawan yang sudah terlanjur marah !!

Cross-post Utility from Multiply.com

Since several days ago I tried to figure out how to synchronize my blog articles between blogger.com and multiply.com. Today I found out multiply.com provides a nice utility to enable cross-posting between multiply.com and blogger.com.

Unfortunately, this utility means that I only can post in multiply.com to be cross-posted in blogger.com. What I really need is from the other way around.

Is there any of you know how to overcome this problem? If there is, please let me know.

Saturday, 22 December 2007

After You Eat, Don't do these...

One of my friend sent me these tips. This is a kind of "forward-this-to-your-loved-ones-or-you-will-suffer" stuffs. I don't like the idea of forwarding messages like that, so I post it to my blog here to make it easier for me to forward it to my loved ones. I just write a line of URL address in my e-mail, saying the link to this post.

It seems the original poster of this tip is subscribing to [femina & friends] e-mail lists.

7 dont's after a meal

Don't smoke - Experiment from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher).

Don't eat fruits immediately - Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air.. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1hr before meal.

Don't drink tea - Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest.

Don't loosen your belt - Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked.

Don't bathe - Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.

Don't walk about - People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.

Don't sleep immediately - The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.


Click the "Link to this post" below this article, or tell them to point their browser to this URL:


i hate indon

Regarding the cultural dispute between Indonesia and Malaysia recently, one day I received a message on my friendster's inbox, like this one:

Original message from Virginia:
Original message from Mario:

Tolong Flag website ini, website yang berisi blog dari Malaysia yg jelek-jelekin bangsa indonesia. Semakin banyak yg Flag, semakin cepet websitena di tutup. Tolong forward ke temen2 bangsa Indonesia yang lainnya yah??? Makasih. (Flag terletak di atas disebelah Search Blog) mari kita hancurkan bersama2 Blog ini!!!

Honestly, as an Indonesian, I feel distracted with what Malaysians do. Especially when I read the contents of that blog. So, I fulfill the request to flag the blog, and more, I forward the message to other Indonesian I know.

Later I got a reply from one of them,

Jangan, yg ada yg punya blog kesenengan krn yg ngehit blog dia banyak, jgn2 lgs bisa pasang iklan dia :))

Her message is quite make sense. So I decided to dig it in Google as a measure to find out whether that blog is gaining popularity or not. The result Google gave me is somewhat relieves me. The first page Google returned was:

Blogger: Login to read
http://ihateindon.blogspot.com/. If you are an author of this blog, tell us who you are! Sign in using your Google Account. ...
ihateindon.blogspot.com/ - 5k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

It seems the Flags is working. The blog is closed.

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Monday, 17 December 2007

New Feed from Google Research

Today I add a newsfeed from googleresearch Blogspot into my Sister Blog, TjerdasTangkas dot Blogspot dot Com. What makes this newsfeed technology wonderful is I can read the latest news about what is going on in Google. You can also add your own widgelets into your blog if you will.

Monday, 10 December 2007

Panduan Penulisan

Anda sedang menulis Laporan Kerja Praktek? Atau sedang menulis Laporan Tugas Akhir? Atau mungkin jenis laporan lain yang menuntut anda membuat Daftar Isi?

Anda ingin tahu bagaimana caranya membuat Daftar Isi yang rapi dan secara otomatis meng-update nomor halaman yang sesuai?

Jika anda menjawab "ya" pada salah satu pertanyaan di atas, dan anda menggunakan Microsoft Word, silakan unduh Panduan Penulisan dari sini atau dari sini.

Jika ada saran, komentar, atau kritik terhadap isi Panduan tersebut, silakan anda tulis komentar di blog ini. Harapan saya Panduan ini dapat membantu mempermudah pekerjaan anda.

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

The Current Look of my Desktop

Here is what my desktop currently looks like. I changed it a week ago, when I felt bored with previous looks of it. With current settings, I like the stack-like tasks that appears on the taskbar. It eats a small portion of my screen actually, but I feel happy with this little change. Maybe I will move the taskbar to the right of my screen next month. Who knows?

[Fwd: RE: jadi, tak? kon(g)krit]

Dari tahun 99 dulu, angkatan 92 udah mulai susah kalo mau ngumpul..he..he..

Sebelum ada yahoogroups, sebelum ada egroups, kita numpang milis di satu
perusahaan di Jepang. Adminnya waktu itu ngasih tempat :)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: jadi, tak? kon(g)krit
Resent-Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 16:33:03 +0900
Resent-From: fasilkom92@
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 16:56:38 +0900
From: Ratna Juanita
Reply-To: fasilkom92@
To: <fasilkom92@>

> Soal waktu, 10 itu perfect!
> 9 kan Sabtu.. hehehe..
> Regards,
> Ambara F. Horasi
> "COMPAQ. Better Answers. But, what was the question?"

OK, jadi kedua calon tuan rumah kita udah menyatakan kesediaan untuk
waktunya (Iwan: 9 or 10, Horasi: prefer 10). Next? Pastiin tempatnya di
mana. Caranya? Voting?

Gue sih nggak keberatan di rumah siapa aja. Asal ada yg bersedia nganterin
sampe BSD...he..he..he..kidding.

Ratna J.