Saturday 2 February 2008

Happy New Year!

Lhoh??! It is already a month late! Why did I greet you all with a Happy New Year?

Year counting is matter of how you define the beginning of year. In the case of Julian Calendar, the first month of the year is January, so we usually celebrate New Year in January. What if the first month in a year is February?

Or.. to make it more confusing, what if the first number in our decimal system is not 1, but 4? Or may be 6? Or 7? It is only a matter of counting.

Whatever counting system you use, it is important to remember that every new day is a new year. That is why we say 'current time' in English as Present time. Because every day, every tick of a second, every breath you take, every pulse of your heart, is a gift, a present.

So, Happy New Year all! Don't waste your time, because if you do waste it, you simply throw away the most precious gift God gives you.

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