Saturday 31 March 2007

..:: Resep Masakan Indonesia - - ::..

..:: Resep Masakan Indonesia - - ::..

Buat yang mau belajar masak, atau yang lagi di luar negeri kangen masakan Indonesia.

Friday 23 March 2007

About Blogspot's Label

I find it useful to give label for each post at blogspot alphabetically. I do the same when giving label for Google's Bookmarks.

Sunday 18 March 2007

Why am I here?

Have you ever so angry with God?

Do you think life is full of mystery for s/he to answer the question on his/her own?

Is is possible by the end of the time, s/he doesn't find the answer?

Di balik semua peristiwa, jangan bertanya why me? Tapi berpikirlah bahwa di balik semua peristiwa ada hikmah positif kenapa kita mengalami hal tersebut, sekalipun peristiwa itu sangat menyakitkan buat kita.

Of course lah, life is full of mystery. Kita khan kecil gak pernah tahu ke depannya seseorang bakalan seperti apa. We have to find out by continuing our life everyday. Contoh gampang ya soal jodoh, kita gak pernah tahu jodoh kita siapa khan? Kita mencari jawabannya dengan berkenalan, having relationship with couple guys/girls till we find the "perfect" one for us.

The problem is, whether the person realizes that he has found the answer or not. Contoh gampang sih berhubungan dengan pertanyaan pertama. Misalkan seseorang dapat musibah, let say dia hamil terus keguguran. There's mystery question, why God gave her the gift but then take it back? Kita gak pernah tahu apa rencana Dia, maybe Dia menganggap tuh ibu belum siap punya baby, jadi dikasih kesempatan buat mempersiapkan diri dulu. Nah tinggal masalahnya balik ke tadi, si ibu nyadar apa nggak atau malah jadi blaming God.

Saturday 17 March 2007


ReactOS Project

New to ReactOS?

React Operating System

ReactOS® is an advanced free open source operating system providing a ground-up implementation of a Microsoft Windows® XP compatible operating system. ReactOS aims to achieve complete binary compatibility with both applications and device drivers meant for NT and XP operating systems, by using a similar architecture and providing a complete and equivalent public interface.

ReactOS is the most complete working model of a Windows® like operating system available. Consequently, working programmers will learn a great deal by studying ReactOS source code and even participating in ReactOS development.

ReactOS has and will continue to incorporating features from newer versions and sometimes even define the state of the art in operating system technology.

In short, ReactOS is aiming to run your applications and use your hardware, a free operating system for everyone!

Please bear in mind that ReactOS 0.3.1 is still in alpha stage, meaning it is not feature complete and is not recommended for everyday use.

Tuesday 6 March 2007
